Role of Parental Involvement in Admission Process at Podar International School in Nerul

25 May 2024
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The admission process isn't merely a step but a collaborative attempt between the school and parents to ensure this journey is easy for everyone involved. With a shared dedication to excellence and holistic development, parental involvement becomes instrumental in navigating the admission process smoothly and efficiently. In this blog, we delve into the significance of parental involvement and its effect on securing admission at Podar International School in Nerul.

Be Invested!

Parents should actively participate in the application process to ensure the best outcomes for their children and demonstrate their commitment and engagement. Attending relevant information sessions or open houses is highly recommended as it provides valuable insights into the school's ethos and offerings . If tours are offered, parents should take advantage of them to gain firsthand experience of the school environment. Above all, if parents have genuine inquiries or concerns regarding the school or its admission procedures, they should feel free to contact the admissions office via phone or email. Clear communication fosters transparency and helps address uncertainties, ensuring a smoother application process for parents and the school.

Logistical Planning is Important

Depending on the student's age and grade level, the parent will still be responsible for certain parts of the application process, even if your child is encouraged to participate actively. Regarding admissions formalities, parent involvement will be crucial for obtaining the necessary paperwork, setting up campus visits, adhering to deadlines and due dates, etc. Parents are advised to stay in touch with admissions personnel to ensure everything is proceeding well and to ensure any queries they may have, are answered along the road. With Podar International School, Nerul’s online admission portal, staying up to date with admissions is easy and hassle-free, as parents can access the website at their convenience!

Emotional Support for Your Child

Parents are essential collaborators between the home and the school—before, during, and following the admissions procedure. Parental guidance can help ensure the experience is positive regardless of the result. A child is not expected to know everything about the admissions formalities, and their parent can be a source of positivity, learning, and comfort during this confusing and exciting time!

Be Your Child’s Cheerleader

Taking the initial step and adjusting to a new world of formal education isn't easy, especially for young children. Moreover, it's a vulnerable period when children need all the support, care, and attention possible to overcome obstacles. It's advisable to closely monitor your child's abilities, interests, and capabilities. Additionally, never cease inquiring about your child's activities, interests and apprehensions, as this provides warmth, comfort, and support for your child.

These important points, hence, shed light on the importance of the parent’s role in their child’s education and general welfare when they actively participate in the admission process. As Podar International School maintains its commitment towards excellence and holistic development; parental involvement continues to be critical in embedding this shared vision of creating lifelong learners and globally responsible citizens.


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