"A mirror to the past. And a vision for the future."

A school is always a 'world in miniature' where one receives a 'training for life', where effective, meaningful and joyful learning takes place. It is here that we begin to learn our lessons of life – to accept challenges, face competition and rejoice at victory and triumph.The heart of education is after all the education of the heart.The importance of instilling good values in our students is our prime objective, as Ralph Waldo Emerson has so aptly said, "What lies behind us and what lies before us, are small compared to what lies within us."

Podar International School is giving a new dimension to education in the country through a pan-India network of schools and our PIS,Deolali is one amongst them. Here we equip the students to tread the path less travelled by and achieve excellence in their chosen path. We impart quality, contemporary education to nurture their inquisitive minds and imagination so that in the times to come, they become outstanding achievers.

Our objective is to foster the students' spirit of enquiry and scientific wisdom. We provide the children with ample opportunities within and outside the school premises to explore, observe, and experiment with ideas. The holistic education at the school develops strong ethical and moral values in the students.

Our dedicated team of teaching and non-teaching staff works relentlessly with a steely determination to realize the dream of providing accessible, affordable and contemporary education, and enable each of the students to become a thinking and sensitive global citizen.

I extend my greetings to all children and parents, and express heartily gratitude to the staff members and supplicate the Almighty to bestow His blessings on all of us.

Mrs. Bhavisha Hirani
Principal, Podar International School - Nashik (Deolali)

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