• The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is a private, non-governmental board of school education in India. It conducts two examinations in India: the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) and the Indian School Certificate (ISC). The CISCE was set up in 1956 at the meeting of the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education a proposal was adopted for the setting up of an Indian Council to administer the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate's Examinations in India. It is an all-India, but not a government sponsored board (unlike the CBSE and NIOS). It is based in New Delhi.
  • The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) Examination is a K-10 public board examination for students in India who have just completed Class X (equivalent to the first two years of the 4 year High School program). Seven subjects are to be taken by the candidates, of which four are compulsory and three have a choice of subjects.
  • Similarly, the Indian School Certificate (ISC) Examination is a K-12 public board examination for those completing Class XII (equivalent to the end of the 4 year High School program). Candidates must have [English language | English] as one of their subjects, and then may choose either three, four or five more subjects to give exams for.
  • The CISCE does not accept private candidates, and they must come only through the (English medium) schools affiliated to the CISCE. The medium of examination is English, except the Indian language paper. At the end of examination, marks out of 100 are provided in each subject and a separate pass certificate is given containing the equivalent grades (like almost all other Indian educational boards). Note that apart from the CBSE and CISCE, all states in India also have their own state boards for High School education.
  • All students are offered and have to study:
    English Mathematics / Science Art
    Hindi / Kannada / French (Only Foreign Candidates)   Physical Education
    History / Civics / Geography Mathematics / Computer Science  
  • Surely there are special rules and policies for students with learning disabilities. Concessions are granted during Board Examinations.
  • Learning if consistent then is nothing like not coping with the syllabus.
  • Of course, we do not encourage students to going coaching classes or take private tuitions.

DETAILS OF CISCE BOARD – Facts at your fingertips

Name of Board

Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations



Name of the Authority

The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.

Head Office

NEW DELHI | Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations, Pragati House, 3rd Floor, 47-48, Nehru Place, New Delhi 110 019.

Year of Establishment



All over India

History of the Examination Boards

  • The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) was established in 1959 by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (now separated).
  • The purpose of the Council was to make sure that examinations are conducted - to the needs of the country.
  • The Council holds ultimate control of these examinations.
  • They provide courses with. examinations at -Std. X and XII in English medium.
  • The Council is engaged in continued development of curriculum frameworks and assessment systems, to ensure that the syllabus is as relevant as possible, and directed towards learning outcomes.

Mission statement & Main objectives

  • The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations is committed to serving the nation's children through high quality educational endeavors, empowering them to contribute towards a humane, just and pluralistic society, promoting introspective living by creating exciting opportunities, with a commitment to excellence.
  • The Council is engaged in continued development of curriculum frameworks and assessments systems to ensure that the syllabus is as relevant as possible and directed towards learning outcomes.

Medium of Instruction


Curriculum Details for Std. I – V

  • The CISCE sets guidelines for each subject and year group for schools to adopt and make the curriculum relevant to the children in their school.
  • The emphasis is not so much on learning facts, but on acquiring and refining skills.
  • Schools are free to select their own text books.

Number of schools affiliated as on 31.03.2010

1785 Schools are affiliated to CISCE all over India as on 31.03.2010

Curriculum Details for Standards VI to X

  • No set syllabus is provided - only guidelines, continues until Sid. VIII. For Std. IX and X, students are taught a detailed syllabus which is prescribed by the Council.
  • There are no set textbooks, but the Council provides a list of recommended text books which schools can choose from.
  • All students must be enrolled in schools - no private candidates are allowed.
  • All students will study 1-English, 2-Second Language, 3-Social Studies, 4-Maths 5- Science, 6-They will then choose to further 'Vocational' subjects, and complete a project on a theme of their choice, selected from a possible 13 themes.

Curriculum Details for Standards XI to XII

  • Students select either to study Arts, Science or Commerce.
  • There are no set textbooks, but the Council provides a list of recommended text books which schools can choose from.
  • A detailed syllabus is provided to enable teachers to plan an effective curriculum.
  • The CISCE Board Exam is at the end of Std. XII.

Curriculum Development

The ICSE and ISE syllabuses are constantly reviewed and updated to make it more learner friendly and relevant to life and society.

Life Skills and Value Education

The Council has produced detailed guidelines for students to do 'socially useful productive work which will make students understand, modern development, and interrelationship within society.

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