"Every right has its responsibilities. Like the right itself, these responsibilities stem from no man-made law, but from the very nature of man and society" - By Lewis Schwellenbach

Dear parents'

Welcome to Podar International School - Parbhani.

In my opinion, Education is the expression of love and care. Education drives away ignorance. Brilliance encourages a man to a righteous thought and action. It empowers a woman and develops the horizon of her mind. It allows a man to sustain in a society and enables him to earn his living with respect. Hence my love for it.

In order to accomplish Podar International School’s vision and mission, we are prepared to take efforts for the betterment of academic scenario in the school and around. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation. We get encouragement, looking at bright and successful careers of our students, which later benefit the society. We feel proud that we are the part of such noble profession, which is shaping modern India. We always believe in ‘Traditional values and modern thoughts‘.

The educational practice is very important to bring desirable changes in knowledge, skill and student’s behaviour. In PIS Parbhani importance is given on best teaching learning practices to develop overall personality of a child. PIS Parbhani looks into student’s safety and security. School also conducts various activities effectively to sustain and conserve our environment. Your child’s learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home and school. We know, the stronger the partnership is, the more your child will benefit.

I would like the parents to know that our doors are always open for healthy interaction for the quality education and welfare of stakeholders. We welcome you all to an outstanding learning community where everyone is dedicated to a high standard of excellence.

Looking forward to your support and co-operation.

Mr. Sudarshan Khanage
Principal, Podar International School - Parbhani

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